
Endless space 2 wiki custom factions
Endless space 2 wiki custom factions

You must also make sure that the maximum unit limit is not reached, otherwise the merge will be rejected. have sufficient move points, be directed to a reachable tile, etc.).You can also merge armies together by simply moving an army onto the destination army. Please note that the selected units must make a valid move (i.e. You can select individual units by left-clicking on their label (hold the left Ctrl keyboard key to select more than one unit),then right-click on the Adventure Map to move the newly created army to an adjacent tile. Using this panel you also can also split the units to create a new army. At the bottom of the Unit List panel are controls that allow you to select units, retrofit them to a more recent unit design (see Military Screen), and disband them if they cost your empire too much Upkeep. You can read some statistics on the Army such as current health, movement capacity, and vision range for the fog of war.Ĥ. The Unit List panel displays the Units attached to this Army in addition to the hero. Some may be greyed out depending on the situationģ. The Army Actions panel shows available actions for the army.

endless space 2 wiki custom factions

The Hero is displayed if one is assigned to the armyĢ. When an army is selected, the game displays the Army Management interfaceġ. Some terrain tiles cost more or less than one movement point (Forests cost 2 points and City tiles cost 0.5 points, for instance).

endless space 2 wiki custom factions

When you right-click on the map to select a destination and hold down the button, you will see the path your army will follow if you release the mouse button (left-click to abort the move). Your army has a number of movement points corresponding to the number of tiles it can move in one game turn. Move the army by right-clicking on a different tile which will be its destination. Select an army by clicking on its leading unit or icon. A single unit is an army of one military unit. You explore and interact with the Adventure Map through armies, which are groups of units. Note that the Wild Walkers have the special ability to detect enemy forces in the fog of war when they move in nearby regions. Your vision is determined by your armies, cities, and Watchtowers. You cannot see what is going in the Fog of War, such as enemy armies moving. As you move armies around the Adventure Map, the cloud disappears and reveals the terrain beneath.Īreas which have been discovered, but which are not in your vision range, become darker and part of the “Fog of War”. When you start the game, you do not know much of the world beyond what your first army can see.Īreas which you have not explored are covered by a grey, cloud-like overlay. This page is a list of the basic concepts that will help you start quickly playing Endless Legend. Endless Legend is a rich game with a lot of game concepts that you get to know little by little.

Endless space 2 wiki custom factions